
A beautiful wedding is a dream of most girls. Every girl imagines that day when she steps on the red carpet with white gown; especially in Chinese culture, the longer the length of dress's tail is, the much more happiness the girl has in the future.


Today, my college classmate got married, and our common friends attended her wedding together. Two of our friends were invited as bridesmaids who assisted the bride in everything that she has to do. Before the wedding starts, we entered the bridal room and took many photos with them.


The bride wore a heart-shaped wedding dress.Unfortunately, under the influence of a strong cold air mass, many places around Taiwan even those that are located at an altitude of only 400 to 500 meters received a covering of snow or soft hail overnight. Therefore, they were hard to bite the bullet until the end.


In the wedding ceremony, the wedding gown was so shining that the wedding is full of holy and impressive atmosphere. At that time, I was touched deeply by extreme happiness. The only bad thing was probably losing the magical bouquet again which can bring special fate.


Time flies so fast. I still remember when we went to Hualien to celebrate New Year’s Eve three years ago. It was that time that we made friends with the groom and were aware that the groom liked the bride. After that, they really fell in love and their relationship continues to prosper. I am very happy to see my good friends has finally found her Prince Charming who is really willing to take care of her whatever happens. 


As a woman, I also want to find the right person in my life, but I have another dream as of the moment. It makes me stay in a dilemma; which one I should choose between studying abroad and being a wife; having my family. But in fact, I have no boyfriend now, maybe that is my imagination, all in all, as the old saying” everything will be fine.” I trust and follow God's steps or plans for me.



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