

「簡直就是一張邀請函」,當唱片已經在南非傳唱二十幾年,大家已熟悉關於羅利葛斯(Sixto Rodriguez)的說法,再版CD中這麼不起眼的一句話,竟觸動南非音樂記者Craig Bartholomew-strydom的敏感神經,著手展開調查。「冰冷真相」這張專輯如何開始流傳沒人知道,也不知道羅利葛斯的任何事,只知道他是美國人,甚至謠傳他抑鬱不得志早在一場不如意的演場會後開槍自盡。

「想知道他如何死亡」簡單的一個問題 ,卻意外挖出一個啊啊啊天大的獨家─「羅利葛斯根本就還好好的活著」。那名記者說當時他寫了一篇報導「Looking for Jesus」(因為唱片後的署名羅利葛斯都把Sixto Rodriguez 改成 Jesus Rodriguez)揭露這件事,原以為故事就此結束,沒想到這才是另外一個故事的開始。羅利葛斯的女兒在網路看到這篇轉錄的報導,發現報導中的人物就是她的爸爸,於是主動到先前南非樂迷架設的尋人網站中留下聯絡電話,促成後來羅利葛斯到南非舉辦巡迴演唱。

「尋找甜密客(sugar man)」是2013年奧斯卡最佳紀錄片,訴說一個在美國是zero在南非卻變成hero的神秘傳奇人物。羅利葛斯在1960年代發了兩張唱片,被音樂界視為奇葩,唱的歌明明也好聽得要命,卻不受市場歡迎唱片賣不出去,但他的歌越洋過海來到南非後,竟然廣為流傳暢銷25年狂賣幾十萬張,間接促成南非反種族隔離運動,儼然是革命運動的靈魂,「他的歌激發南非年輕人用音樂創作革命,用唱歌反對種族隔離

羅利葛斯倒吃甘蔗故事令人震撼,他給人一種「人生沒有什麼不可能」的盼望,但兩年前看到這這部紀錄片時的刺激是,原來記者不一定非要齜牙咧嘴的批判和監督才能成就大事,原來音樂記者也不是陣日風花雪月只會報導藝人的花邊消息,Craig Bartholomew-strydom單純的問出他身為一個歌迷很想解開的謎,單純地找出真相,後續的影響竟撫慰南非那些原本以為此生不可得的歌迷的心,也讓羅利葛斯原本帶有一絲遺憾的人生更加圓滿,我覺得他做了一件了不起的事。

同樣的,拍攝這部紀錄片的導演馬力克班德(Malik Bendjelloul)也很不起。從報導中得知,這個故事是他2006年時前往南非「流浪」期間,偶然從開普敦一家唱片行老闆口中聽到的。 然後他拍了許多年,拍到山窮水盡只能用智慧型手機拍,拍到畫面搖搖晃晃有點模糊,終於把它拍完問世得到奧斯卡的肯定,卻因飽受憂鬱症之苦,去年自殺身亡,才36歲。


The mayor hides the crime rate
council woman hesitates
Public gets irate but forget the vote date
This system's gonna fall soon, to an angry young tune
And that's a concrete cold fact.

~摘自反體制藍調(The Establishment Blues ),你說這種歌怎能不愛呢,拿到台灣來唱也行得通啊~


The mayor hides the crime rate
council woman hesitates
Public gets irate but forget the vote date
Weatherman complaining, predicted sun, it's raining
Everyone's protesting, boyfriend keeps suggesting
you're not like all of the rest.

Garbage ain't collected, women ain't protected
Politicians using people, they've been abusing
The mafia's getting bigger, like pollution in the river
And you tell me that this is where it's at.

Woke up this moming with an ache in my head
Splashed on my clothes as I spilled out of bed
Opened the window to listen to the news
But all I heard was the Establishment's Blues.

Gun sales are soaring, housewives find life boring
Divorce the only answer smoking causes cancer
This system's gonna fall soon, to an angry young tune
And that's a concrete cold fact.

The pope digs population, freedom from taxation
Teeny Bops are up tight, drinking at a stoplight
Miniskirt is flirting I can't stop so I'm hurting
Spinster sells her hopeless chest.

Adultery plays the kitchen, bigot cops non-fiction
The little man gets shafted, sons and monies drafted
Living by a time piece, new war in the far east.
Can you pass the Rorschach test?

It's a hassle is an educated guess.
Well, frankly I couldn't care less.



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